Při konverzacích s mými studenty často narazíme na téma cestování a životní prostředí. Dlouho jsem pro ně na internetu hledala vhodný článek v angličtině, který by si mohli přečíst. Většina textů však byla příliš odborná a složitá. Z toho důvodu jsem pro své studenty sepsala vlastní zjednodušený článek, díky kterému neztratí motivaci ke čtení v angličtině.
Přečtěte si nový článek na blogu a naučte se spoustu pokročilých slovíček. Článek je celý v angličtině, obsahuje však překlad vybraných slovíček. Tématem článku jsou Maledivy – souostroví, kterému v budoucnosti hrozí zatopení.
The Maldives is a romantic place, perfect for a honeymoon or engagement. The weather is always pleasant. The white sand beaches are covered in the sun, turquoise, and crystal-clear water everywhere, and you can watch the fish in the coral reefs all day long. But this paradise is facing an existential crisis.
Honeymoon – líbánky
Engagement – zasnoubení
Covered in the sun – pokryté (“zalité”) sluncem
Turquoise – tyrkysová
Coral reefs – korálové útesy
Face – čelit
What are the Maldives’ biggest worries?
The rising sea levels caused by climate change
Every day, the waters of the Indian Ocean slowly flood the small island nation of the Maldives. The tourist paradise could disappear in 80 years. Rising sea waters could submerge the country by the end of the century and its coral reefs might be gone in less than half that time.
What is truly sad is the fact that the Maldives contributes hardly at all to the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Unless strong action is taken immediately to reduce global warming, the Maldives is projected to literally be swallowed by the sea by 2100. Locals have already noticed evidence of erosion on the island, as well as increasingly frequent and severe storms.
“Ten years ago, it used to rain only in June and July, and the rest of the year was sunny with calm seas. That’s not the case anymore. Now it rains any time, and flooding is a common sight,” says Axxam Rafeeu, a technician from the island of Meedhoo (Raa Atoll).
Rising sea level – stoupající hladina moře
To flood – zatopit, zaplavit (flooding – záplavy, povodně)
Disappear – zmizet
Submerge – potopit, zaplavit
Century – století
Might be gone – mohly by být pryč, zmizet
To contribute hardly – sotva se podílet/přispívat
Greenhouse gas emissions – emise skleníkových plynů
Unless – pokud, jestli ne (spojka)
To project – předpokládat, očekávat
Literally – doslova
To swallow – pohltit, spolknout
Locals – místní, zdejší (obyvatelé)
Increasingly – stále více/čím dál tím více
Severe (storms) – vážný, silný
It used to rain – used to používáme, když chceme vyjádřit, že v minulosti/dříve bývalo něco běžné, teď je tomu však jinak
Unbelievable underwater life
The real charm of the Maldives lies underwater – a stunning diversity of marine life, with over 250 species of coral and 2,000 species of fish. No wonder the Maldives attracts tourists from all over the world to dive. But the country’s coral reefs are in danger.
Increased sea temperatures have already destroyed 60 percent of the reefs in the last 6 years. Scientists warn that unless something changes immediately and strong measures are put in place to stop the buildup of greenhouse gas emissions, there will be no more coral reefs by 2045. However, it is important to emphasize that reefs are not only important for tourism but also provide shelter and food for all sorts of fish and marine animals.
Charm – půvab, kouzlo
Diversity – rozmanitost, pestrost
Marine life – podmořský život
Species, sorts – druhy
To attract – přitahovat, lákat
Have already destroyed – the present perfect tense – už zničila a pravděpodobně bude ničit dál
Measures – opatření, kroky
To put in place – zavést
Buildup – zvyšování, narůstání
Emphasize (AmE), emphasise (BrE) – zdůraznit
Not only… but also… nejen/ne pouze… ale také… používáme pro zdůraznění a spojení dvou informací
To provide – poskytovat, zajistit
Shelter – úkryt, přístřešek
How to prevent this
The Maldivian Ministry of the Environment is working on coastal protection projects. Non-governmental organizations and local communities are also involved in the project. Local guides inform tourists about the problem and encourage them to join the project as well. They are educated on how to behave responsibly in the water; for example, they should not feed the fish or touch the coral.
However, neither the efforts of the Maldives (Maldivians/Maldivian government?) nor of individuals will be enough unless the biggest carbon emitters are also involved. Sea level rise (rising of the seas/sea level rising?) won’t just stop after it sinks the Maldives.
To prevent – zabránit, předejít, zamezit
Environment – (životní) prostředí
Coastal – pobřežní, přímořský
Protection – ochrana
Non-governmental – nevládní
To involve in – zapojit se do
Guide – průvodce
To encourage – povzbudit k, přesvědčit k
To join – připojit, přidat se
They are educated – jsou poučeni
To behave – chovat se
Responsibly – zodpovědně
Effort – úsilí, snaha
Neither… nor… – ani… ani…
Carbon emitters – “producent” uhlíku
This text was taken from this link. It is edited and simplified.
You might ask, how can I contribute to environmental protection?
I’m certainly not saving the world with these small steps, but it’s important to me.
- I donate my old clothes and don’t buy new ones all the time.
- I support local producers.
- I go shopping with my own bag.
- I save water and electricity.
- I try to use public transport as much as possible.
- I don’t use single-use cosmetic products.
- I use a computer for my notes to save paper.
- I only buy what I really need.
What do you think about this problem?
Do you think there is any possible solution?
Have you ever tried to take care of the environment in any way?